The Role of Pleasure in Alchemy

It’s the stuck energy.

The heaviness in your chest.

The numbness in your body that says, “Don’t feel too much—it’s not safe.”

Trauma leaves its mark, freezing emotions, disconnecting us from joy, and trapping us in patterns of survival.

But what if this stuck energy isn’t the end of the story?

What if it’s raw material—waiting to be transformed?

What if pleasure is the fire that ignites the alchemy?

Pleasure softens what trauma hardens.

It unlocks the energy trapped in fight, flight, fawn, collapse, cry for help, or freeze.

It’s the warmth of the sun on your face.

The rhythm of your breath.

The feeling of touch that reminds you—you are alive.

Pleasure teaches your body that it’s safe to feel again.

Safe to soften.

Safe to transform.

It’s not just a fleeting sensation—it’s a catalyst for newness.

Pleasure guides us back to ourselves.

Back to connection.

Back to self-love.

Let pleasure be the key that unlocks your joy.

Somatic Self-Love Practice: The Heart Hold

  1. Pause and Ground:
    Find a quiet space. Sit or lie down comfortably. Take a deep breath in, and exhale slowly. Let your body soften.

  2. Place Your Hands:
    Gently place one hand on your heart and the other on your belly. Feel the warmth of your touch.

  3. Breathe with Intention:
    Take slow, deep breaths. As you inhale, imagine love filling your chest. As you exhale, release tension or self-judgment.

  4. Whisper Affirmations:
    Silently or aloud, repeat to yourself:

    • “I am safe.”

    • “I am worthy of love.”

    • “I am enough, exactly as I am.”

  5. Savor the Moment:
    Stay here for a few breaths, letting the sensation of your hands and the rhythm of your breath anchor you in self-love.

  6. Close with Gratitude:
    When you’re ready, thank your body for carrying you. Thank yourself for showing up.

This practice takes just a few minutes but creates a ripple of love through your entire being. Repeat as often as needed.


The Channel of Immanence: A Sacred Descent into the Body and the Earth


From Vigilance to Trust: The Courage to Relax