The Power of Exchange: A Journey into Somatic Self-Love
Recently, during a breathwork session, I felt a concept land in my body… the idea of exchange.
In his book, Healing, David Elliott defines exchange as "The flow of energy or consciousness given and received as energy, respect, value, appreciation, and love. It can also refer to goods, services, and money."
As I breathed in and out, I had a visceral understanding of what it feels like to be in exchange with the earth, the Universe, with love. No longer just an intellectual idea but a felt, embodied experience. This profound, body-centered realization came into my bones, muscles, and tissues as a tangible, physical sensation and shift within my body.
But what does it mean to truly engage in this exchange? How does it shape our journey towards self-love and our connection with the universe?
Somatic Self-Love: The Essence of Embodied Exchange

Somatic self-love is not just about self-care routines or pampering ourselves, although those practices are a really good start! It's about bringing our essence down and into our bodies. And when we do that, we create a deep, spiritual connection with the Universal Energy Flow.
We see this flow in every sunrise, moonlit night, vast ocean, and whispering forest. And, when we operate from a place of genuine love and understanding towards ourselves and others, we tap into this flow, creating a spiritual dimension of exchange that goes beyond transactional love.
Somatic self-love is the cornerstone of this level of exchange. We feel our worth, understand our place in the Universe, and establish a bond with everything around us. It's a relationship that brings the spiritual aspect of exchange into our bodies, opening our hearts and clearing out our minds.
Dynamics of Exchange: Beyond the Physical
In this way of living, exchange is not limited to the barter of goods or services. It's a practice of understanding energy, respect, appreciation, value, and love. When we feel self-love alive in our bodies, this energy spirals outwards, connecting us to all existence through the heart's opening.
Exchange starts internally. How does the flow of energy or consciousness given and received as energy, respect, value, appreciation, and love operate inside our bodies?
There are times when we might feel undervalued or stuck. These moments are indicators of an imbalance in our internal exchange system. These imbalances often point to areas where self-love might be lacking. The remedy? Dive deep within, identify these blockages, and reignite the flame of somatic self-love.
The Ripple Effect: The Magic of Balanced Exchange

Embodying the concept of exchange is transformative. As we nurture our spiritual appetite and shower ourselves with love, we initiate a positive chain reaction. This self-love translates into a balanced exchange, amplifying our energy, respect, appreciation, value, and even material wealth. It's a cycle where the more love we give to ourselves, the more we have to offer to the world.
This heightened state of being, characterized by enthusiasm, love, and grace, becomes magnetic. People are drawn to this energy. As we continue to maintain this balance in exchange and stay aligned with the Universal Energy Flow, life transforms into a wondrous journey.
Exchange and Somatic Self-Love: A Journey
The journey of somatic self-love is a transformative one, and the power of exchange plays a pivotal role in it. By understanding and embracing this exchange, we not only enrich our own lives but also contribute positively to the world around us. As we step forward on this path, we harness the power of exchange and unlock the sacred, boundless potential that lies within us.
Interested in learning more?
I’m assisting Danielle Hering in San Diego for Healer Training Level One and Two, November 9-12th. As Danielle describes it:
Level 1- Learn the basics of the Healer Training based on the work of intuitive healer and author David Elliott.
You will learn about the 2-stage Pranayama Breathwork meditation, which is one of the foundational tools of the work. You will learn why the breath is used the way it is in clearing your mind and body of stuck energy. Exercises and partnered breakout sessions within the class are used to develop your connection to intuition, boost confidence around your gifts and talents to live freely, and open the heart to the power of self-love.
I have studied with David for over 13 years and his work has completely changed my life.
The Level 1 class includes hands-on training and guidance with all of David’s healing tools and extensive discussion about the work, the breath and what it is to heal yourself and others.
Level 2 – Self-Love, Exchange, Value & Worth.
Level 2 further refines your technique as a healing artist and gives you a greater understanding of how to work with the breath and do healing work as a business.
Extensive discussion and guidance is given by Danielle (as taught by David Elliott) around the topics of self-love, exchange, value, worth and money. This class has wide application and gets to the root of where you are stuck in life. The intention along with the material gently poke around in areas where you hold volatility and feel under-appreciated. It can have its gritty moments, but overall the class is inspirational and fun. If you are ready to learn how these topics are all interrelated, you are ready to be set free.

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