Tag: Knoweldge Sharing

Somatic self-love is an alchemical process of bringing our essence down and into our bodies.

Discover the Power of Somatic Self-Love with Your Personalized Altar, Designed to Awaken Your Body’s Inner Wisdom and Foster Deep Healing and Self-Discovery

Creating a somatic self-love altar may seem simple, but it can profoundly affect your mental and emotional well-being. By dedicating a space solely to your self-love practices, you create a physical reminder of your commitment to yourself. Choosing materials and arranging them on your altar can be a meditative practice in itself, as you consider…
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Embrace Your Inherent Worth with a Somatic Self-Love Ritual

The burden of worthlessness is a deep sense of shame and unworthiness that can become ingrained in our sense of self. It often stems from early childhood experiences, such as neglect, abuse, or feeling unsupported or unloved by caregivers. When children are repeatedly shamed or made to feel as though they are inherently flawed or…
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Safe and Grounded: Somatic Self-Love Practice for Toxic Shame

Toxic shame can be a particularly insidious form of trauma, as it often develops slowly over time and can be challenging to identify and address. Somatic Self-Love can be a helpful tool for releasing shame and promoting greater self-acceptance and self-compassion. Toxic shame refers to a pervasive and long-lasting feeling of shame that is deeply…
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Somatic Self-Love for Integration and Agency: Embodied Expression

Childhood abuse impacts our nervous system and sense of self. When we experience abuse as children, our early development can be affected in ways that shape our neural pathways and relationships with our bodies. Trapped Energy Limits Discernment This early abuse and the resulting trapped energy in our bodies (trauma) creates a state of dysregulation…
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The Trauma-Body Connection and How Breathwork Can Help…

When we experience trauma, our bodies store the unresolved energy, often within our muscles and tissues. This trapped energy can manifest as chronic pain, stiffness, or tension. It’s as if our bodies are holding onto the memories of the traumatic event, even if our conscious minds have tried to forget. Breathwork as a Path to…
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Somatic Shape: The Shape of Giving and Receiving Self-Love

Somatic self-love delves into the intricate world of “shapes” – those deeply-ingrained patterns, sometimes subtle, that emerge from past experiences or habits.  These may manifest in physical, emotional, or mental ways, and might lurk in our conscious or unconscious selves. Shapes tell the story of one’s emotional state and personal history and can profoundly impact…
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Breaking The Barriers to Somatic Self-Love by Releasing Cultural Programming

Cultural programming: a powerful yet invisible force that shapes our thoughts, beliefs, and actions, often without us even realizing it. It seeps into our lives through various channels – from the media we consume to the values imparted by our families and even the religious teachings we follow. As we navigate our complex world, these…
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5-Senses Somatic Self-Love Savoring Ritual – A Powerful Practice for Women

In this post, we explore the importance of women’s self-care rituals, and offer a powerful practice to help transform perfectionism, inner critic thoughts and heal. Discover how the 5-Senses Somatic Self Love Savoring Ritual can be part of your self-love journey today! The 5-Senses Somatic Self-Love Savoring Ritual is a powerful practice is particularly beneficial…
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How Somatic Resourcing Can Help Create More Somatic Self-Love

Exploring somatic resourcing to soothe your inner critic, get out of perfectionism and foster heartfelt growth and transformation. Learn how this body-based practice can help you unlock the healing power of self-love…. What Is “Resourcing? Somatic resourcing is body-based tool that identifies and cultivates internal and external resources that can help individuals feel safe, grounded,…
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A Somatic Self-Love Ritual for Creative Expression

A Somatic Self-Love Ritual for Creative Expression can be a powerful way to deepen your connection with your body and promote self-love and acceptance through increased awareness and expression of physical sensations and emotions. Here’s an example of how to establish this practice: By using creative expression to deepen your connection with your body and…
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