Tag: Exercise

Somatic self-love is an alchemical process of bringing our essence down and into our bodies.

Why is it Important to Empower Women with Somatic Self-Love?

The problem of societal beauty standards for women is a pervasive issue that negatively impacts women’s self-esteem, mental health, and overall well-being.  Society often imposes rigid and unrealistic beauty standards on women, leading to feelings of shame and inadequacy. Culture expects women to conform to narrow and restrictive beauty standards, which can create a culture…
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Celebrate Women!

Today, we celebrate the women who are growing and glowing. These women are on a journey of self-discovery and growth, stepping into their power and embracing their unique gifts and talents. We celebrate the women breaking free from old patterns and beliefs and opening themselves up to new possibilities and experiences. These women are learning…
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Keep Choosing You, Over and Over Again

Choosing yourself over and over again, especially in the context of healing from trauma, is important for several reasons: Overall, choosing yourself over and over again can help promote healing from trauma by promoting self-worth, healthy boundaries, self-care, and breaking patterns of codependency and people-pleasing. It’s important to work with a therapist or mental health professional to…
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Fawning: Sometimes We Need to Practice ‘Caring Less’

Often, people with unresolved trauma go into a fawn response as a coping mechanism. Why is it good for them to practice “caring less”? The “fawn” response is a coping mechanism that individuals with unresolved trauma may use to keep themselves safe in threatening or dangerous situations.  The fawn response involves adapting to the needs…
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Practicing Joy

Starting your day with a joyful practice for feeling somatic self-love offers numerous benefits for physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Like what? Benefits like: Practicing the felt sense of joy can be a powerful way to cultivate a deeper connection to positive emotions and promote emotional regulation and well-being. Felt sense work involves tuning into…
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20 Somatic Self-Love Practices to Promote Emotional Resilience & Release Trauma

Develop emotional resilience and presence with these 20 somatic self-love exercises. Transform stress, tension, and trauma into nourishing moments of connection with your body.

Unlocking the Power of Sensory Rest: How to Recharge Your Mind and Body

Sensory rest, also known as a sensory reset, is a technique used to help people with sensory overload, anxiety, or stress by creating a calming and soothing environment. The goal is to reduce the amount of sensory input that the brain is processing, allowing it to rest and recover. Sensory rest can be achieved through…
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How Somatic Self-Love Can Help You Find Your Voice and Speak Your Truth

Let’s discuss how somatic self-love can help build confidence, overcome the fear of being seen and heard, and embrace authentic self-expression. This is an essential topic, especially in today’s world, where people seek ways to connect and express themselves. So, let’s dive in and explore the connection between somatic self-love and self-expression.  Introduction to Somatic…
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Feeling Into Your Intuition

Regularly exercising and trusting your intuition can strengthen it like a muscle. This can help you focus on your physical experiences in the present moment and facilitate a better connection between your heart and intuition.

Finding the Felt-Sense: Body Scan

Relaxation is the key to a healthy and happy life. But with our busy schedules and never-ending to-do lists, it can be hard to unwind. That’s where body scanning comes in. This technique helps you tune into your body and release pent-up tension. Here’s how to give it a try: