Love Yourself More November 1st Enrollment

Somatic self-love is an alchemical process of bringing our essence down and into our bodies.

Enrollment Instructions

Please follow the instructions below to enroll in the Love Yourself More program:

  1. Class Limit: This transformative journey is limited to 25 participants per cohort to ensure personalized guidance and support.
  2. Registration: If you register after the first 25 participants, don’t worry! You will automatically be added to the list for one of our upcoming cohorts.
  3. Form Submission: Fill out the enrollment form provided below with your details and preferred cohort.
  4. Pre-Class Call: After you’ve submitted your form, I will schedule a 15-minute call with you. During this call, we’ll discuss your intentions for the program, the donation process, and the class requirements.
  5. Donation Invoice: During our call, we will agree on a donation amount that suits you. Following our discussion, I will send an invoice for your agreed donation.

By following these steps, you’ll be on your way to starting your journey towards somatic self-love. We look forward to accompanying you on this transformative experience!

Love Yourself More November Enrollment

Every cent from your enrollment fees is treated as a service donation. These funds are directly allocated to the non-profit organization, Alchemy by Love. Currently, the organization operates without any paid staff and incurs no expenses. This means that every dollar collected is funneled straight into our programs, education initiatives, awareness campaigns, and directly to the women who require these services.