
Somatic self-love is an alchemical process of bringing our essence down and into our bodies.

Somatic Self-Love: Energy Movement and Breathwork

This 90-minute healing session with movement and breathwork is an opportunity to connect with your body and allow in more somatic self-love. This session is designed to help release tension, promote relaxation, and cultivate a deep sense of connection to your body.

The session begins with gentle movements, which help to activate the body’s natural healing processes and promote energy flow. With a focus on breath and movement, these exercises can help to release tension and promote relaxation, leaving you feeling grounded and centered.

Next, you will be guided through a breathwork practice, which can help to access and release reservoirs of backed-up emotions in the body.

I will provide personalized guidance and support throughout the session, helping you connect with your inner wisdom and intuition. With a focus on somatic self-love, this healing session is an opportunity to connect with your body deeply and meaningfully, promoting self-awareness, self-acceptance, and self-love.

Whether you are looking to release tension, promote relaxation, or deepen your connection to your body, this 90-minute healing session with energy movement and breathwork is a powerful tool for cultivating somatic self-love and promoting healing and well-being.

By promoting relaxation, reconnecting with the body, promoting emotional healing, building resilience, and promoting a sense of community, we can support ourselves on our journey towards healing and empowerment.

The Possibilities of Spring

Spring is a season of growth and transformation, and it’s natural to wonder, “What else is possible?”

Spring symbolizes creativity and growth. As you tune into the energy of spring, you tap into a current of innovation, pioneering, and transformation.

In honor of the season, let’s tend to our body/mind/spirit like a gardener would grow to a garden.

This is a time to reclaim your power and energy and reexamine what you really want. Ask yourself, “what seed am I planting? How can I help them grow?”

Fortunately, when you strongly desire something, the Universe has the mechanics to make it happen, just like a seed can grow to its full potential when planted in the right place.

Trust that your potential will bloom at the right time, just like seed sprouts and blooms when it’s ready. Nurture yourself regularly, and allow things to happen in their own time.

Let’s Grow our Inner Garden

Over time, you’ll begin to grow the things you want, like feeling healthy and achieving high levels of energy. Since it’s currently spring in the Northern Hemisphere, it’s the perfect time to grow your inner garden. If you want to make the most of spring’s transformative energies, join us for our upcoming event, Somatic Self Love Energy Movement and Breathwork for Spring, where you’ll learn how to cultivate greater self-love, relaxation, and well-being through the practices of energy movement and breathwork. Register now to reserve your spot…

Reduce Anxiety, Increase Vitality

Energy movement and breathwork are both practices that can offer a wide range of physical, mental, and emotional benefits. Somatic Self-Love for Spring can offer:

  1. Reduced stress and anxiety by calming the nervous system and promoting relaxation. By focusing on breath and movement, these practices can help to release tension and promote a sense of inner calm.
  2. Improved physical health with gentle movements and stretches that can help to improve flexibility, balance, and overall physical health. Breathwork can also improve physical health by promoting relaxation and reducing muscle tension.
  3. Increased energy and vitality with this session that promotes “vitality” or “life force energy.” By promoting energy flow and activating the body’s natural healing processes, the movement and breath can help to increase energy and vitality.
  4. Emotional healing with breathwork as it can help to access and release emotional blocks and promote emotional wholeness. By focusing on breath and connecting with the body, we can gain a deeper understanding of our emotions and develop greater self-awareness and self-acceptance.
  5. Connection with spirit through the body, breath, and energy, we can develop a deeper to ourselves and the world around them.

Overall, this practice offers a wide range of physical, mental, and emotional benefits… helping to reduce stress and anxiety, improve physical health, increase energy and vitality, promote emotional healing, and support spiritual growth and connection.

Somatic Self Love for Spring is Trauma Informed

Trauma-informed practices consider the potential impact of trauma on and aim to create a safe and supportive environment that promotes healing and empowerment.

We gradually connect with our bodies and release tension and stress by starting with gentle movements. This helps create safety and ease, essential for trauma survivors who may have experienced disconnection or dissociation from their bodies.

Moving into breathwork after the gentle movements, we slowly grow our connection to our bodies and promote emotional access and release. Breathwork is a powerful tool for releasing emotional blocks and promoting relaxation, which can be especially beneficial for those of us who have experienced trauma.

By emphasizing somatic self-love, this approach to breathwork helps us develop greater self-awareness, self-acceptance, and self-compassion.

*I am offering creative exchange opportunties, scholarships and a sliding scale for payment. Reach out to me directly to discuss.