Category: Somatic

Somatic self-love is an alchemical process of bringing our essence down and into our bodies.

Restorative Yoga for Somatic Self-Love

Restorative yoga is a style of yoga that focuses on relaxation and rejuvenation. It is a gentle practice that uses props such as blankets, bolsters, and blocks to support the body in various poses. Restorative yoga aims to promote deep relaxation, reduce stress, and support the body’s natural healing processes. Restorative yoga typically involves holding…
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The Art of Somatic Self-Love: Fueling Your Relationship with Your Body

Somatic Self-Love is a profound act of courage, especially for women today who face a myriad of messages and expectations about their bodies. It takes creating space in our daily rhythms to treat ourselves kindly, taking a moment here and there to show gratitude to our bodies.  The practice of somatic self-love involves listening and…
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Recovering from CPTSD and Feeling Safe Enough to Let Love In

Recovering from Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD) can be a long and complex process, and it’s not uncommon for individuals to experience inner conflict and apprehension around feeling safe, loved, and belonged, even after making progress in their recovery. One reason is that trauma may have taught our bodies to associate safety and love with…
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The Art of Somatic Self-Love: Begin with Small Steps to Experience a Life Overflowing with Love

Somatic self-love is a holistic approach, process, and life-long journey. We practice self-care and self-compassion, focusing on the mind-body connection. We nurture ourselves physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. We acknowledge that our body holds onto emotions and beliefs that can manifest as physical sensations, pain, or discomfort. By cultivating a deep sense of somatic self-love,…
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What do you want to know about somatic self-love?

I’m training Sophia the Somatic Self-Love Bot to answer all your burning questions about about somatic self-love, breathwork, body positivity, embodiment, CPTSD alchemy and more… If you leave your email and more than three questions or topics, I will exchange a 45 minute somatic self-love breathwork session with you. Thank you so much and stay…
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Fawning: Sometimes We Need to Practice ‘Caring Less’

Often, people with unresolved trauma go into a fawn response as a coping mechanism. Why is it good for them to practice “caring less”? The “fawn” response is a coping mechanism that individuals with unresolved trauma may use to keep themselves safe in threatening or dangerous situations.  The fawn response involves adapting to the needs…
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Moving Beyond Minimization – How Somatic Self-Love Builds Capacity 

Those of us with unresolved trauma often become experts at developing creative coping mechanisms. That’s because CPTSD often comes from a childhood where we couldn’t fight back or flee the situation. Minimizing the extent of what happened is a valuable technique – it helps us survive until we have enough agency to process and integrate…
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CPTSD – How We Repeat What Is Unresolved and How to Break the Cycle

If you find yourself stuck in a pattern of painful sensations, emotions, feelings, situations, or even relationships, you might be in a cycle of trauma reenactment.  Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD) is a condition from prolonged trauma exposure. Unlike traditional PTSD, which is triggered by a single traumatic event, CPTSD develops in response to prolonged…
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20 Somatic Self-Love Practices to Promote Emotional Resilience & Release Trauma

Develop emotional resilience and presence with these 20 somatic self-love exercises. Transform stress, tension, and trauma into nourishing moments of connection with your body.

Unlocking the Power of Sensory Rest: How to Recharge Your Mind and Body

Sensory rest, also known as a sensory reset, is a technique used to help people with sensory overload, anxiety, or stress by creating a calming and soothing environment. The goal is to reduce the amount of sensory input that the brain is processing, allowing it to rest and recover. Sensory rest can be achieved through…
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