Category: Somatic

Somatic self-love is an alchemical process of bringing our essence down and into our bodies.

Somatic Self-Love Journaling

Somatic Self-Love Journaling differs from regular journaling in that it specifically focuses on exploring the physical sensations and experiences in the body, rather than just recording thoughts and emotions.  Somatic Self-Love Journaling aims to cultivate a deeper connection with the body and promote self-love through increased awareness and acceptance of physical sensations. Here’s how Somatic…
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Somatic Self-Love Pendulation Exercise Tuning into the Natural Rhythms of Life

The Pendulation Exercise can foster more somatic self-love by helping you tune into your body’s natural rhythm and develop a more profound sense of connection and appreciation for yourself. By focusing on the natural rhythm of contraction and expansion in the body, the Pendulation Exercise can help you become more attuned to the physical sensations…
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Restorative Poses to Promote Relaxation and Rest

Restorative postures are a type of yoga practice that involve gentle, supported poses that promote relaxation and release of tension. Restorative postures can be beneficial for getting back in our body, feeling safe, and cultivating more somatic self-love for several reasons: Supportive Posture to Try Here are a few restorative poses that can help you…
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Gentle Moves For Feeling Self-Love Alive in Our Bodies

Gentle movement can promote sensations of self-love in our body by increasing our awareness of our physicality and promoting relaxation, which can lead to a greater sense of connection and appreciation for ourselves and our bodies. When we engage in gentle movement, we become more attuned to the physical sensations in our body, such as…
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Down and In: The Grounding Practice for Somatic Self-Love

The Grounding In Somatic Self-Love practice is a mindfulness-based practice that focuses on building a deep sense of connection and appreciation for the body. The practice involves bringing awareness to physical sensations in the body, practicing body awareness, and using positive affirmations to promote self-love and compassion. Here is a step-by-step plan for a Grounding…
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Tracking Sensations Practice for Polyvagal Engagement

We want to engage our polyvagal system for nervous system regulation because it plays a key role in regulating our physiological responses to stress and promoting a sense of safety and calm in the body. The polyvagal system is a complex nerve network connecting the brain to the body. It is responsible for regulating many…
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Spending Time in Nature to Build Somatic Self-Love

Nature bathing, also known as forest bathing or shinrin-yoku, is a practice that involves spending time in nature to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. The practice originated in Japan in the 1980s and has since become popular worldwide to reduce stress, improve mood, and promote relaxation. Nature bathing involves immersing oneself in nature through…
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Body Scan for Somatic Self-Love

Body scan meditation is a practice that involves bringing attention to different parts of the body in a systematic way. It is often used as a relaxation technique and can help individuals become more attuned to the sensations in their bodies. During a body scan meditation, the individual lies down on their back or sits…
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Progressive Muscle Relaxation for Somatic Self-Love

Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) is a relaxation technique that involves systematically tensing and relaxing different muscle groups in the body. It was developed by Dr. Edmund Jacobson in the early 20th century as a way to help people reduce stress and anxiety. The technique involves tensing a specific muscle group for a few seconds, then…
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Self-massage with a Massage ball for Somatic Self-love

A massage ball is a small, firm ball used for self-massage and trigger point therapy. They come in a variety of sizes, densities, and textures, and are often made of materials like rubber, silicone, or plastic. Massage balls can be used to target specific areas of muscle tension, knots, or trigger points in the body.…
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