Category: Self-Worth

Somatic self-love is an alchemical process of bringing our essence down and into our bodies.

Discovering Calm: The Journey to Somatic Self-Love After Trauma

In the aftermath of trauma, the concept of calm can feel like a foreign language—difficult to understand and even more challenging to speak. For those who have navigated the choppy waters of post-traumatic stress, calm is often a distant shore. Yet, establishing a somatic marker for calm isn’t just a luxury; it’s a necessity for…
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Breathwork as a Path to Liberation: Dissolving Somatic Spells and Reclaiming Well-Being

A “somatic spell” can be defined as an embodied pattern of trauma- and stress-related responses that become ingrained in an individual, family, or culture. These patterns emerge from repeated exposure to trauma, stress, or oppressive systems and can manifest in various physical, emotional, and cognitive symptoms. From a Systems Thinking perspective, somatic spells can be…
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Worthy and Beautiful Just As We Are

Somatic self-love plays a profound role in helping women embody the truth that their worth and beauty are inherent, independent of any external accomplishments or productivity. By cultivating somatic self-love, women can come to feel and integrate the statement “there is nothing that I need to accomplish to be worthy and to feel beautiful. I…
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Hey Moms! Celebrating You with Somatic Self-Love 

Hey moms! As we celebrate you and all that you do on Mother’s Day, I’m here to remind you to practice somatic self-love. It’s so important for women to take care of themselves, not just for their families or loved ones, but just for them. Nurturing your own well-being and cultivating a deep sense of self-love allows…
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The Importance of Self-Confidence and Self-Worth in Standing Up Against Gender-Based Violence

Gender-based violence (GBV) is a deeply ingrained, global issue that affects millions of women and girls in various forms, including sexual, physical, and emotional abuse. Ending GBV is a collective responsibility that requires not only structural changes but also a shift in mindset and attitudes. One essential aspect of this process is empowering women and…
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