Category: Self-trust

Somatic self-love is an alchemical process of bringing our essence down and into our bodies.

Embracing Resistance as a Resource: A Somatic Self-Love Approach to Trauma Recovery

As we journey through the landscape of trauma recovery, we may encounter an unexpected companion along the way—resistance. This internal force, often perceived as an obstacle, can actually be a guidepost and a protective ally. In the process of somatic self-love, we learn to honor our resistance, not as a barrier, but as a valuable…
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Deep body inquiry: what does it feel like to ‘feel hungry for love’ in your body?

When exploring the feeling of being “hungry for love” in the body, it’s essential to approach the process with openness, curiosity, and self-compassion. Here are a few somatic prompts to help you connect with your body truth and uncover the sensations associated with this somatic (emotional, mental, energetic, bodily, sensational, feeling) state. Grounding and Centering…
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Trusting Our Intuition: The Power of Breathwork with the Spirit of the Wolf

Our intuition is a powerful tool that lives beneath rational thought. Intuition is not a product of logic – not easily broken down into a set of explainable steps. Instead, intuition is rooted in our deep-seated knowledge and feels instinctual. Intuition feels mysterious. It’s difficult to explain the thought process behind a sudden decision that…
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