Category: Self-Love

Somatic self-love is an alchemical process of bringing our essence down and into our bodies.

Worthy and Beautiful Just As We Are

Somatic self-love plays a profound role in helping women embody the truth that their worth and beauty are inherent, independent of any external accomplishments or productivity. By cultivating somatic self-love, women can come to feel and integrate the statement “there is nothing that I need to accomplish to be worthy and to feel beautiful. I…
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Somatic Shadow and Shadow Work Ritual

A somatic shadow refers to the aspects of ourselves that we have repressed or disowned at a physical and embodied level. It represents the unresolved emotions, traumas, and experiences that are stored in our bodies, often outside our conscious awareness. Somatic shadow work involves engaging with and integrating these shadow aspects through somatic practices and…
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Patriarchal Structures

Patriarchal structures refer to systems of social organization and cultural practices that privilege men and reinforce male dominance over women and other genders. These structures have been prevalent in many societies throughout history and continue to shape social, political, and economic dynamics today. Patriarchal structures manifest in various ways, including: Gender roles and stereotypes: Patriarchal…
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Deep body inquiry: what does it feel like to ‘feel hungry for love’ in your body?

When exploring the feeling of being “hungry for love” in the body, it’s essential to approach the process with openness, curiosity, and self-compassion. Here are a few somatic prompts to help you connect with your body truth and uncover the sensations associated with this somatic (emotional, mental, energetic, bodily, sensational, feeling) state. Grounding and Centering…
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The Importance of Self-Confidence and Self-Worth in Standing Up Against Gender-Based Violence

Gender-based violence (GBV) is a deeply ingrained, global issue that affects millions of women and girls in various forms, including sexual, physical, and emotional abuse. Ending GBV is a collective responsibility that requires not only structural changes but also a shift in mindset and attitudes. One essential aspect of this process is empowering women and…
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Somatic Self-Love Ritual: Creating a Body That Feels Like Home for Those with C-PTSD

Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disease (C-PTSD) can make our bodies feel like unfamiliar, even hostile, territories. Amidst the waves of anxiety, memories, and disconnection, it’s essential to cultivate a sense of safety and sanctuary within our own skin. Somatic self-love, the practice of deepening our connection to our bodies through mindful movement and awareness, can be…
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Somatic Self-Love: Healing Emotional Neglect and Rediscovering the Self

“Emotional neglect, alone, causes children to abandon themselves and to give up on the formation of a self. They do so to preserve an illusion of connection with the parent and to protect themselves from the danger of losing that tenuous connection. This typically requires a great deal of self-abdication, e.g., the forfeiture of self-esteem,…
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Embracing Your Body’s Beauty and Strength: A Journey in Somatic Self-Love

Our society often perpetuates a narrow and unrealistic definition of beauty, leading many to feel disconnected from their bodies and struggle with self-acceptance. Somatic self-love is a powerful practice that can help transform our relationship with our bodies, allowing us to appreciate their beauty and strength. In this blog post, we will discuss how somatic…
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Recovery from C-PTSD with Somatic Self-Love: Empowerment, Safety, and Collective Healing

Introduction Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disease (C-PTSD) is a condition that results from prolonged exposure to trauma, often experienced during childhood or over an extended period. Recovering from C-PTSD is a challenging and deeply personal journey. One approach that has shown promise in aiding this process is the practice of somatic self-love. This blog post will…
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Discover the Power of Self-Compassion: A Transformative Somatic Practice for Loving Yourself from the Inside Out

I’ll never forget being in triangle pose – sweating and fighting and working hard to maintain the posture… rigidity spreading from my jaw down to my toes – in a hot Vinyasa class taught by the wonderful Connie Lozano, and she said,  “If we don’t have much compassion for ourselves, how much can we extend…
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