Category: Self-Love

Somatic self-love is an alchemical process of bringing our essence down and into our bodies.

Understanding Self-Love as a Spectrum, Not a Destination

Have you ever noticed how eager we are to categorize and measure ourselves? Success is often measured in tangible terms: the size of a paycheck, the brand of a car, or the number of followers on social media. Outside of this cultural addiction to striving for measurable results, somatic self-love offers a way that is…
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Revolutionizing Self-Love: Discover the Non-Hierarchical Path to Body Wisdom

Society has long celebrated rational thinking as the pinnacle of intellectual achievement, often at the expense of the deep, intuitive knowledge embedded in our physical and emotional experiences. This cultural bias is not merely a philosophical stance; it manifests in everyday behaviors and societal norms that prioritize constant activity and intellectual abilities over bodily wisdom.…
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Transformative Grief and Rage Ritual: A Personal Journey

Navigating through the landscape of grief and trauma can be an intensely private journey, yet there exists profound power in communal healing. Over the years, I’ve had the opportunity to participate and then lead grief and rage rituals, a ceremonies designed not only to acknowledge these heavy emotions but also to transform them through the…
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Embracing Grief and Trauma Through Somatic Self-Love

“Every one of us must do this. We must learn how to work with the grief in our lives. Begin with a friend or two and speak honestly to the heartaches you carry. These may be very personal sorrows, or they may extend to the daily losses that we witness in the news. If you…
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Embracing Resistance as a Resource: A Somatic Self-Love Approach to Trauma Recovery

As we journey through the landscape of trauma recovery, we may encounter an unexpected companion along the way—resistance. This internal force, often perceived as an obstacle, can actually be a guidepost and a protective ally. In the process of somatic self-love, we learn to honor our resistance, not as a barrier, but as a valuable…
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Discovering Calm: The Journey to Somatic Self-Love After Trauma

In the aftermath of trauma, the concept of calm can feel like a foreign language—difficult to understand and even more challenging to speak. For those who have navigated the choppy waters of post-traumatic stress, calm is often a distant shore. Yet, establishing a somatic marker for calm isn’t just a luxury; it’s a necessity for…
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Building a New World Together Through Embodied Love

As I celebrate the birthing of the School of Somatic Self-Love, I feel so connected to the Ripple Effect of this work… I know deeep in my bones that as we practice Somatic Self Love, we build the structures that will support a new earth within our own beautiful bodies. This deeply personal process of…
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Trapped Trauma from Childhood Abuse and Advancements in Healing

When someone experiences both emotional and physical trauma simultaneously, particularly in a situation where they are unable to respond with typical defense mechanisms like fight, flight, freeze, fawn, or collapse, it can have profound and complex effects on their psychological and physical well-being.  This can present in these ways: The Good News! The availability and…
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The Ripple Effect of Embodied Self-Love in Ending Gender-Based Violence

When women feel self-love alive in their bodies – meaning they can taste, touch, hear, smell and feel love for themselves as a tangible force- they cannot tolerate violence or abuse.  This creates a ripple effect in their families. In their lineages. In their communities. It impacts the nervous systems around them… when children feel…
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Breathwork Saved My Life

Embracing vulnerability, life feels much like a roller coaster, filled with moments of daring greatly and facing the challenges of our past. In my journey, I’ve had the benefit of experiencing the power of vulnerability and the strength of resilience. And this wild ride led me to the transformative practice of breathwork. Growing up, my…
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