Category: Ritual

Somatic self-love is an alchemical process of bringing our essence down and into our bodies.

Revolutionizing Self-Love: Discover the Non-Hierarchical Path to Body Wisdom

Society has long celebrated rational thinking as the pinnacle of intellectual achievement, often at the expense of the deep, intuitive knowledge embedded in our physical and emotional experiences. This cultural bias is not merely a philosophical stance; it manifests in everyday behaviors and societal norms that prioritize constant activity and intellectual abilities over bodily wisdom.…
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The Taurus New Moon: A Gateway to Somatic Self-Love

Somatic Self-Love is a holistic and embodied approach to trauma recovery that honors the interconnectedness of our sacred human triad – body, mind, and soul. By tuning into the body’s signals, we nurture ourselves in more profound and fulfilling ways. This friendly attending to the body’s sensations is not merely a physical act—it is an…
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Transformative Grief and Rage Ritual: A Personal Journey

Navigating through the landscape of grief and trauma can be an intensely private journey, yet there exists profound power in communal healing. Over the years, I’ve had the opportunity to participate and then lead grief and rage rituals, a ceremonies designed not only to acknowledge these heavy emotions but also to transform them through the…
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Breaking the Shadow Contract of Capitalism: Women, Labor, and the Power of Somatic Self-Love

Underneath the veneer of prosperity and progress, there are shadow sides of capitalism: a system that has, over time, objectified human worth. Especially around the freedom and empowerment of women. As we enter into the portal of another Labor Day weekend, it’s time to reflect on this narrative and the collective spells of equating self-worth…
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Somatic Self-Love: A Radical Reclamation of Body and Self

When a woman revels in the pleasure of her own skin, she stakes a claim on her own expression, separate from the gaze of others. This fundamental shift in her existence is nothing less than a bold proclamation of somatic self-love. The Concept of Somatic Self-Love Somatic self-love is a term coined by Daniella Matutes,…
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Embracing Somatic Sovereignty and Somatic Self-Love Through Pleasure

Somatic Sovereignty: Reclaiming Your Body Somatic sovereignty is about embracing your body as it is right now and making decisions based on personal intuition and knowledge, without the influence of external pressures, societal norms, or expectations[^1^]. This practice goes beyond the realm of physical health and wellness; it involves understanding, respecting, and honoring our body’s…
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Embracing Embodied Life: The Interplay of Somatics and Self-Love

In the heart of our bustling lives, nestled within the rush and roar, is the silent whisper of our bodies—a whisper that holds the wisdom of ages and the secrets of our innermost being. The practice of somatics shines a light on this voice, guiding us towards a deeper, more embodied way of living. But…
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Death Gives Us Permission to Feel Grief – Past and Present

In its ebb and flow, life unfurls a myriad of emotions – joy, sorrow, love, grief, and everything in between. These emotions are etched deep within our bodies and stored in our cellular memory.  It’s not just our experiences that reside within us but also the emotional legacies of our lineages. One of the things…
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The Grief of Unmet Needs: Somatic Self-Love To Soothe the Parts of Us Trapped in the Past

As the creator of the somatic self-love approach, I’ve drawn heavily from established theories such as Antonio Damasio’s Somatic Marker Hypothesis and the seminal work of Dr. Bessel van der Kolk. Somatic Marker theory hypothesizes that our emotional experiences leave physiological imprints or ‘markers’ on the body, which influence our future decision-making and emotional responses.…
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Rituals for Safety and Self-Love: A Key to Embodying Self-Compassion

Imagine a day where every action is a gentle reaffirmation of your self-worth, an act of love towards yourself. Sounds enchanting, right? This dream can be your reality with the incorporation of simple rituals into your daily life. Rituals are more than just routine actions; they are purposeful, mindful practices that create space for self-connection…
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