Category: Resilience

Somatic self-love is an alchemical process of bringing our essence down and into our bodies.

Breaking the Shadow Contract of Capitalism: Women, Labor, and the Power of Somatic Self-Love

Underneath the veneer of prosperity and progress, there are shadow sides of capitalism: a system that has, over time, objectified human worth. Especially around the freedom and empowerment of women. As we enter into the portal of another Labor Day weekend, it’s time to reflect on this narrative and the collective spells of equating self-worth…
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Grieving with Grace: Honoring Our Emotions to Love Ourselves Fully and Feel Love Alive in the Body

Grief is a profound and deeply personal journey that can invite us into a space of deep self-understanding and compassion. In this journey, we can learn how to grieve gracefully, respecting our feelings so that we can fully love ourselves and experience the life of love in our bodies. Grief can feel overwhelming, but it’s…
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Deep body inquiry: what does it feel like to ‘feel hungry for love’ in your body?

When exploring the feeling of being “hungry for love” in the body, it’s essential to approach the process with openness, curiosity, and self-compassion. Here are a few somatic prompts to help you connect with your body truth and uncover the sensations associated with this somatic (emotional, mental, energetic, bodily, sensational, feeling) state. Grounding and Centering…
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Embodying Love: Unleash Your Inner Power with the Somatic Self-Love Toolkit for a Deeper Connection and Wholehearted Living

Somatic self-love is the experience of self-love alive within your body as you intentionally cultivate a deep, embodied connection with your inner world – physically, emotionally, and energetically. It goes beyond intellectual understanding and connects you to the sensations, feelings, and energy that make up your unique being. Somatic self-love embraces the wisdom of the…
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Breaking The Barriers to Somatic Self-Love by Releasing Cultural Programming

Cultural programming: a powerful yet invisible force that shapes our thoughts, beliefs, and actions, often without us even realizing it. It seeps into our lives through various channels – from the media we consume to the values imparted by our families and even the religious teachings we follow. As we navigate our complex world, these…
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CPTSD – How We Repeat What Is Unresolved and How to Break the Cycle

If you find yourself stuck in a pattern of painful sensations, emotions, feelings, situations, or even relationships, you might be in a cycle of trauma reenactment.  Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD) is a condition from prolonged trauma exposure. Unlike traditional PTSD, which is triggered by a single traumatic event, CPTSD develops in response to prolonged…
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20 Somatic Self-Love Practices to Promote Emotional Resilience & Release Trauma

Develop emotional resilience and presence with these 20 somatic self-love exercises. Transform stress, tension, and trauma into nourishing moments of connection with your body.