Category: Polyvagal

Somatic self-love is an alchemical process of bringing our essence down and into our bodies.

Discover the Power of Self-Compassion: A Transformative Somatic Practice for Loving Yourself from the Inside Out

I’ll never forget being in triangle pose – sweating and fighting and working hard to maintain the posture… rigidity spreading from my jaw down to my toes – in a hot Vinyasa class taught by the wonderful Connie Lozano, and she said,  “If we don’t have much compassion for ourselves, how much can we extend…
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Self-Love Isn’t Selfish: How Somatic Self-Love Connects Us to Others and the Land

“Self-love isn’t selfish.” We’ve all heard this phrase, but what does it truly mean, and how does it impact our connections with others and the world around us? In this blog post, we’ll explore the concept of somatic self-love, how it connects us to other people and the land, and its relationship with our nervous system, as…
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Tracking Sensations Practice for Polyvagal Engagement

We want to engage our polyvagal system for nervous system regulation because it plays a key role in regulating our physiological responses to stress and promoting a sense of safety and calm in the body. The polyvagal system is a complex nerve network connecting the brain to the body. It is responsible for regulating many…
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Body Scan for Somatic Self-Love

Body scan meditation is a practice that involves bringing attention to different parts of the body in a systematic way. It is often used as a relaxation technique and can help individuals become more attuned to the sensations in their bodies. During a body scan meditation, the individual lies down on their back or sits…
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