Category: Pleasure

Somatic self-love is an alchemical process of bringing our essence down and into our bodies.

The Taurus New Moon: A Gateway to Somatic Self-Love

Somatic Self-Love is a holistic and embodied approach to trauma recovery that honors the interconnectedness of our sacred human triad – body, mind, and soul. By tuning into the body’s signals, we nurture ourselves in more profound and fulfilling ways. This friendly attending to the body’s sensations is not merely a physical act—it is an…
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Somatic Self-Love: A Radical Reclamation of Body and Self

When a woman revels in the pleasure of her own skin, she stakes a claim on her own expression, separate from the gaze of others. This fundamental shift in her existence is nothing less than a bold proclamation of somatic self-love. The Concept of Somatic Self-Love Somatic self-love is a term coined by Daniella Matutes,…
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Embracing Somatic Sovereignty and Somatic Self-Love Through Pleasure

Somatic Sovereignty: Reclaiming Your Body Somatic sovereignty is about embracing your body as it is right now and making decisions based on personal intuition and knowledge, without the influence of external pressures, societal norms, or expectations[^1^]. This practice goes beyond the realm of physical health and wellness; it involves understanding, respecting, and honoring our body’s…
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The Radical Power of Somatic Self-Love: Embracing Bodily Pleasure as a Woman

We live in a world that often imposes stringent beauty standards and societal norms and when we as women take delight in our own bodies, it can be a radical act of autonomy. It is an act of self-love that goes beyond mere acceptance of the status quo, venturing into the realm of somatic sovereignty.…
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