Category: Patriarchy

Somatic self-love is an alchemical process of bringing our essence down and into our bodies.

Revolutionizing Self-Love: Discover the Non-Hierarchical Path to Body Wisdom

Society has long celebrated rational thinking as the pinnacle of intellectual achievement, often at the expense of the deep, intuitive knowledge embedded in our physical and emotional experiences. This cultural bias is not merely a philosophical stance; it manifests in everyday behaviors and societal norms that prioritize constant activity and intellectual abilities over bodily wisdom.…
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Patriarchal Structures

Patriarchal structures refer to systems of social organization and cultural practices that privilege men and reinforce male dominance over women and other genders. These structures have been prevalent in many societies throughout history and continue to shape social, political, and economic dynamics today. Patriarchal structures manifest in various ways, including: Gender roles and stereotypes: Patriarchal…
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