Category: Joy

Somatic self-love is an alchemical process of bringing our essence down and into our bodies.

Understanding Self-Love as a Spectrum, Not a Destination

Have you ever noticed how eager we are to categorize and measure ourselves? Success is often measured in tangible terms: the size of a paycheck, the brand of a car, or the number of followers on social media. Outside of this cultural addiction to striving for measurable results, somatic self-love offers a way that is…
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Cultivating a Felt Sense of Relative Safety in Trauma Recovery

The felt sense of relative safety is a cornerstone in trauma recovery, acting as a prerequisite for the gentle and controlled release of trapped energies that are often the legacy of traumatic experiences. Understanding the Felt Sense of Safety The concept of a felt sense of relative safety is deeply intertwined with our bodies. When…
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Discover the Power of Self-Compassion: A Transformative Somatic Practice for Loving Yourself from the Inside Out

I’ll never forget being in triangle pose – sweating and fighting and working hard to maintain the posture… rigidity spreading from my jaw down to my toes – in a hot Vinyasa class taught by the wonderful Connie Lozano, and she said,  “If we don’t have much compassion for ourselves, how much can we extend…
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Somatic Practice: Connecting Individual Worth to the Love of the Universe

I am part of something bigger and my presence matters. Somatic Self-Love As we journey through life, we must remember that we are connected to a greater whole. Embracing somatic self-love nourishes our individual well-being and deepens our connection to the world around us. Through present-moment awareness, yoga, and breathwork, somatic self-love helps us attune…
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Embracing Spring: The Perfect Season for Cultivating Somatic Self-Love With Breathwork

Spring is often associated with renewal, growth, and a fresh start, making it an ideal time to embark on a journey of self-love and personal growth through breathwork. Here are some reasons why spring is a particularly fitting season for beginning or deepening a breathwork practice: 1. Renewal and Rebirth Spring is synonymous with the awakening…
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Transform Your Hiking Experience and Boost Self-Love with this Sacred Trash-Picking Practice

As someone who loves spending time in nature, I feel unhappy with the amount of trash littering hiking trails and other natural spaces. Plastic bottles, food wrappers, and other debris can be unsightly and harm wildlife and damage delicate ecosystems. If you love being surrounded by nature, I’m sure you share my sentiments about the…
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Somatic Self-Love Journaling for an Expanded Sense of Joy and Self-Love

Somatic Self-Love Journaling can be a powerful tool for expanding your sense of joy and self-love by helping you cultivate a deeper connection with your body and promoting self-acceptance and appreciation. Here are some tips for using Somatic Self-Love Journaling to expand your sense of joy and self-love: You can expand your sense of joy…
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Practicing Joy

Starting your day with a joyful practice for feeling somatic self-love offers numerous benefits for physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Like what? Benefits like: Practicing the felt sense of joy can be a powerful way to cultivate a deeper connection to positive emotions and promote emotional regulation and well-being. Felt sense work involves tuning into…
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