Category: Grief

Somatic self-love is an alchemical process of bringing our essence down and into our bodies.

Transformative Grief and Rage Ritual: A Personal Journey

Navigating through the landscape of grief and trauma can be an intensely private journey, yet there exists profound power in communal healing. Over the years, I’ve had the opportunity to participate and then lead grief and rage rituals, a ceremonies designed not only to acknowledge these heavy emotions but also to transform them through the…
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Embracing Grief and Trauma Through Somatic Self-Love

“Every one of us must do this. We must learn how to work with the grief in our lives. Begin with a friend or two and speak honestly to the heartaches you carry. These may be very personal sorrows, or they may extend to the daily losses that we witness in the news. If you…
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Death Gives Us Permission to Feel Grief – Past and Present

In its ebb and flow, life unfurls a myriad of emotions – joy, sorrow, love, grief, and everything in between. These emotions are etched deep within our bodies and stored in our cellular memory.  It’s not just our experiences that reside within us but also the emotional legacies of our lineages. One of the things…
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The Grief of Unmet Needs: Somatic Self-Love To Soothe the Parts of Us Trapped in the Past

As the creator of the somatic self-love approach, I’ve drawn heavily from established theories such as Antonio Damasio’s Somatic Marker Hypothesis and the seminal work of Dr. Bessel van der Kolk. Somatic Marker theory hypothesizes that our emotional experiences leave physiological imprints or ‘markers’ on the body, which influence our future decision-making and emotional responses.…
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Somatic Self-Love, Breathwork and Grief

In confronting loss or sudden change, we can experience an immense array of emotions – sadness, anger, remorse, and despair, to mention but a few. These feelings and sensations are potent and consuming, often leading to a state of overwhelm. In this post, learn more about grief, how it links all the facets of ourselves,…
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Grieving with Grace: Honoring Our Emotions to Love Ourselves Fully and Feel Love Alive in the Body

Grief is a profound and deeply personal journey that can invite us into a space of deep self-understanding and compassion. In this journey, we can learn how to grieve gracefully, respecting our feelings so that we can fully love ourselves and experience the life of love in our bodies. Grief can feel overwhelming, but it’s…
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Feeling Our Grief: An Important Step in Somatic Self-Love

“In the process of feeling our grief, we are, in fact, performing a radical act of embodied love for ourselves.” Daniella Matutes The journey towards somatic self-love is often perceived as a linear, only “good” feelings trajectory: a path that, once embarked upon, leads towards positive self-affirmation and acceptance. This simplifies the complex emotional roadmap…
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