Category: Felt-Sense

Somatic self-love is an alchemical process of bringing our essence down and into our bodies.

Cultivating a Felt Sense of Relative Safety in Trauma Recovery

The felt sense of relative safety is a cornerstone in trauma recovery, acting as a prerequisite for the gentle and controlled release of trapped energies that are often the legacy of traumatic experiences. Understanding the Felt Sense of Safety The concept of a felt sense of relative safety is deeply intertwined with our bodies. When…
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Somatic Self-Love: A Practice For Deepening Connection With Ourselves

When I mention the term “somatic self-love,” I often see puzzled expressions. It’s a term not commonly encountered, yet it represents a concept so intrinsic to our well-being. And once people grasp what it means, the next question is invariably, “How do I cultivate it?” Why is it so difficult for us to love ourselves?…
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Somatic Self-Love, Breathwork and Grief

In confronting loss or sudden change, we can experience an immense array of emotions – sadness, anger, remorse, and despair, to mention but a few. These feelings and sensations are potent and consuming, often leading to a state of overwhelm. In this post, learn more about grief, how it links all the facets of ourselves,…
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Feeling Our Grief: An Important Step in Somatic Self-Love

“In the process of feeling our grief, we are, in fact, performing a radical act of embodied love for ourselves.” Daniella Matutes The journey towards somatic self-love is often perceived as a linear, only “good” feelings trajectory: a path that, once embarked upon, leads towards positive self-affirmation and acceptance. This simplifies the complex emotional roadmap…
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Embodying Self-Love: Living a Life of Creative Fulfillment

Our voyage to embodying self-love and unlocking our creative potential begins with a simple, yet profound truth: self-love is not an abstract concept that solely resides in our minds. Rather, self-love is a tangible, visceral experience that permeates our entire being. It’s a somatic sensation we can nurture and expand.  The art of somatic self-love involves alchemizing trapped…
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Why Is It So Hard to Love Myself?

As I continue to write and talk about Somatic Self-Love, many people have asked the question, “why is it so hard to love myself?” They go onto say, “you talk about the felt-sense of self-love… feeling love for myself as a sensation in my body… I don’t even know what that means. I’m pretty sure…
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Cultivating a Relationship with Your Own Heart

Venus Retrograde is a period when Venus appears to be moving backward in its orbit, as observed from Earth. Metaphorically, it represents a time of introspection and reevaluation relating to love, relationships, values, and aesthetics.  Even if you don’t ‘believe in astrology’ – we can use the stars as a map to navigate our journey. …
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What is Somatic Self-Love?

Somatic self-love is the practice of cultivating love, acceptance, and compassion for ourselves through bodily awareness and sensory experiences. It involves connecting with our physical bodies, emotions, and sensations to develop a more profound understanding and appreciation of ourselves. Somatic self-love goes beyond intellectual or cognitive self-acceptance, focusing on the direct, felt experience of love…
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Embracing Your Body’s Beauty and Strength: A Journey in Somatic Self-Love

Our society often perpetuates a narrow and unrealistic definition of beauty, leading many to feel disconnected from their bodies and struggle with self-acceptance. Somatic self-love is a powerful practice that can help transform our relationship with our bodies, allowing us to appreciate their beauty and strength. In this blog post, we will discuss how somatic…
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Recovery from C-PTSD with Somatic Self-Love: Empowerment, Safety, and Collective Healing

Introduction Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disease (C-PTSD) is a condition that results from prolonged exposure to trauma, often experienced during childhood or over an extended period. Recovering from C-PTSD is a challenging and deeply personal journey. One approach that has shown promise in aiding this process is the practice of somatic self-love. This blog post will…
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