Category: Embodiment

Somatic self-love is an alchemical process of bringing our essence down and into our bodies.

Somatic Self-Love Under the Aquarius Full Moon

The celestial dance deeply influences our lives, subtly weaving its rhythm into our moods, behaviors, and spiritual growth. The cosmos is not just a spectacle to admire from afar but a living, breathing entity that we are an integral part of.  Astrological events, from the ebbs and flows of the moon to the grand ballet…
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The Grief of Unmet Needs: Somatic Self-Love To Soothe the Parts of Us Trapped in the Past

As the creator of the somatic self-love approach, I’ve drawn heavily from established theories such as Antonio Damasio’s Somatic Marker Hypothesis and the seminal work of Dr. Bessel van der Kolk. Somatic Marker theory hypothesizes that our emotional experiences leave physiological imprints or ‘markers’ on the body, which influence our future decision-making and emotional responses.…
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Embodying Self-Love: Living a Life of Creative Fulfillment

Our voyage to embodying self-love and unlocking our creative potential begins with a simple, yet profound truth: self-love is not an abstract concept that solely resides in our minds. Rather, self-love is a tangible, visceral experience that permeates our entire being. It’s a somatic sensation we can nurture and expand.  The art of somatic self-love involves alchemizing trapped…
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