Category: Breathwork

Somatic self-love is an alchemical process of bringing our essence down and into our bodies.

Breathwork as a Path to Liberation: Dissolving Somatic Spells and Reclaiming Well-Being

A “somatic spell” can be defined as an embodied pattern of trauma- and stress-related responses that become ingrained in an individual, family, or culture. These patterns emerge from repeated exposure to trauma, stress, or oppressive systems and can manifest in various physical, emotional, and cognitive symptoms. From a Systems Thinking perspective, somatic spells can be…
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Worthy and Beautiful Just As We Are

Somatic self-love plays a profound role in helping women embody the truth that their worth and beauty are inherent, independent of any external accomplishments or productivity. By cultivating somatic self-love, women can come to feel and integrate the statement “there is nothing that I need to accomplish to be worthy and to feel beautiful. I…
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Somatic Shadow and Shadow Work Ritual

A somatic shadow refers to the aspects of ourselves that we have repressed or disowned at a physical and embodied level. It represents the unresolved emotions, traumas, and experiences that are stored in our bodies, often outside our conscious awareness. Somatic shadow work involves engaging with and integrating these shadow aspects through somatic practices and…
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Unveiling the Flames Within: Healing Ancestral Trauma as a Feminine Force

Last weekend, I had the profound opportunity to assist a breathwork healer training. Little did I know that this experience would unearth a deep-seated body memory, causing me to confront the weight of ancestral trauma carried in my body. “They burned us – they burned us all.” It was a realization that unlocked the hidden…
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Recovery from C-PTSD with Somatic Self-Love: Empowerment, Safety, and Collective Healing

Introduction Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disease (C-PTSD) is a condition that results from prolonged exposure to trauma, often experienced during childhood or over an extended period. Recovering from C-PTSD is a challenging and deeply personal journey. One approach that has shown promise in aiding this process is the practice of somatic self-love. This blog post will…
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Embodying Love: Unleash Your Inner Power with the Somatic Self-Love Toolkit for a Deeper Connection and Wholehearted Living

Somatic self-love is the experience of self-love alive within your body as you intentionally cultivate a deep, embodied connection with your inner world – physically, emotionally, and energetically. It goes beyond intellectual understanding and connects you to the sensations, feelings, and energy that make up your unique being. Somatic self-love embraces the wisdom of the…
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Embracing Spring: The Perfect Season for Cultivating Somatic Self-Love With Breathwork

Spring is often associated with renewal, growth, and a fresh start, making it an ideal time to embark on a journey of self-love and personal growth through breathwork. Here are some reasons why spring is a particularly fitting season for beginning or deepening a breathwork practice: 1. Renewal and Rebirth Spring is synonymous with the awakening…
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The Trauma-Body Connection and How Breathwork Can Help…

When we experience trauma, our bodies store the unresolved energy, often within our muscles and tissues. This trapped energy can manifest as chronic pain, stiffness, or tension. It’s as if our bodies are holding onto the memories of the traumatic event, even if our conscious minds have tried to forget. Breathwork as a Path to…
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Alchemizing Trauma: Turning Adversity into Personal Power

Trauma is an unfortunate reality for many women, and it often leaves lasting adverse effects on our emotions, nervous system wiring, physical body, and overall well-being. Turn the Pain into Love The good news is that there is a way to transform these painful experiences into somatic self-love. In alchemizing trauma, we gradually release the…
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What do you want to know about somatic self-love?

I’m training Sophia the Somatic Self-Love Bot to answer all your burning questions about about somatic self-love, breathwork, body positivity, embodiment, CPTSD alchemy and more… If you leave your email and more than three questions or topics, I will exchange a 45 minute somatic self-love breathwork session with you. Thank you so much and stay…
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