Category: Breathwork

Somatic self-love is an alchemical process of bringing our essence down and into our bodies.

The Ripple Effect of Embodied Self-Love in Ending Gender-Based Violence

When women feel self-love alive in their bodies – meaning they can taste, touch, hear, smell and feel love for themselves as a tangible force- they cannot tolerate violence or abuse.  This creates a ripple effect in their families. In their lineages. In their communities. It impacts the nervous systems around them… when children feel…
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The Power of Exchange: A Journey into Somatic Self-Love

Recently, during a breathwork session, I felt a concept land in my body… the idea of exchange. In his book, Healing, David Elliott defines exchange as “The flow of energy or consciousness given and received as energy, respect, value, appreciation, and love. It can also refer to goods, services, and money.” As I breathed in…
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Celebrating Rocktober with Somatic Self-Love: A Month of Growth and Empowerment

Happy Rocktober to all of you! October is not just about the fall leaves or the anticipation of Halloween; for us, it’s a month brimming with excitement, growth, and the promise of transformation. With our nonprofit now in full swing, we’re thrilled to unveil a series of initiatives that will further our mission and bring…
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Breathwork Saved My Life

Embracing vulnerability, life feels much like a roller coaster, filled with moments of daring greatly and facing the challenges of our past. In my journey, I’ve had the benefit of experiencing the power of vulnerability and the strength of resilience. And this wild ride led me to the transformative practice of breathwork. Growing up, my…
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Somatic Self-Love: A Radical Reclamation of Body and Self

When a woman revels in the pleasure of her own skin, she stakes a claim on her own expression, separate from the gaze of others. This fundamental shift in her existence is nothing less than a bold proclamation of somatic self-love. The Concept of Somatic Self-Love Somatic self-love is a term coined by Daniella Matutes,…
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The Ripple Effect of Somatic Self-Love: A Path to Eradicating Sexual Abuse Energy

In the quest to eradicate sexual abuse energy from our planet, a question often arises: “What does loving myself, let alone feeling love for myself alive in my body, have to do with this monumental task?” This is a question that I have been asked repeatedly in recent years, and it’s an excellent one, with…
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Somatic Self-Love, Breathwork and Grief

In confronting loss or sudden change, we can experience an immense array of emotions – sadness, anger, remorse, and despair, to mention but a few. These feelings and sensations are potent and consuming, often leading to a state of overwhelm. In this post, learn more about grief, how it links all the facets of ourselves,…
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Feeling Our Grief: An Important Step in Somatic Self-Love

“In the process of feeling our grief, we are, in fact, performing a radical act of embodied love for ourselves.” Daniella Matutes The journey towards somatic self-love is often perceived as a linear, only “good” feelings trajectory: a path that, once embarked upon, leads towards positive self-affirmation and acceptance. This simplifies the complex emotional roadmap…
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The Healing Power of Breathwork for Somatic Self-Love

Breathing: it’s something we do every day without thinking. But what if we told you that this simple act can hold the key to cultivating deeper connection with yourself? Welcome to the world of breathwork and its transformative power for somatic self-love. What is Somatic Self-Love? Somatic Self-Love is the felt-sense of feeling love for…
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What is Somatic Self-Love?

Somatic self-love is the practice of cultivating love, acceptance, and compassion for ourselves through bodily awareness and sensory experiences. It involves connecting with our physical bodies, emotions, and sensations to develop a more profound understanding and appreciation of ourselves. Somatic self-love goes beyond intellectual or cognitive self-acceptance, focusing on the direct, felt experience of love…
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