Category: Astrology

Somatic self-love is an alchemical process of bringing our essence down and into our bodies.

Somatic Self-Love Under the Aquarius Full Moon

The celestial dance deeply influences our lives, subtly weaving its rhythm into our moods, behaviors, and spiritual growth. The cosmos is not just a spectacle to admire from afar but a living, breathing entity that we are an integral part of.  Astrological events, from the ebbs and flows of the moon to the grand ballet…
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New Moon in Cancer: A Time for Somatic Self-Love

The New Moon is a time of beginnings, of setting intentions, and embracing the possibility of renewal. When it falls in the nurturing sign of Cancer, it becomes a potent time for practicing self-care and nurturing our emotional selves. This is an invitation to dive into the waters of somatic self-love, to connect with our…
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