Category: Alchemy

Somatic self-love is an alchemical process of bringing our essence down and into our bodies.

Collective Social Feminine Body

The concept of the “collective social feminine body” refers to the shared experiences, perceptions, and somatic manifestations that arise from being a woman in a patriarchal society. It acknowledges that the experiences of women are not solely individual but are shaped by broader social, cultural, and historical forces. The collective social feminine body encompasses both…
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Social, Somatic, Transgenerational, Ancestral Trauma for Fem/mes in the Patrairchy

Social trauma, somatic trauma, and transgenerational trauma can have significant impacts on women living in a patriarchal society. Patriarchy, a system in which men hold the majority of power and women are often marginalized or oppressed, can contribute to various forms of trauma for women. Here’s how each type of trauma can affect women in…
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Somatic Psyche

The term “somatic psyche” refers to the integration of the body and the mind within an individual’s psychological experience. It combines two essential aspects: The concept of the somatic psyche recognizes that the mind and body are interconnected and influence one another. It suggests that our psychological well-being and experiences are not separate from our…
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Body Memory

Body memory refers to the phenomenon where the body retains or “remembers” past experiences or traumas at a physiological level, even if the individual cannot consciously recall those experiences. It suggests that our bodies have the capacity to store and encode memories beyond the realm of explicit or conscious memory. Unlike explicit memory, which involves…
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Unveiling the Flames Within: Healing Ancestral Trauma as a Feminine Force

Last weekend, I had the profound opportunity to assist a breathwork healer training. Little did I know that this experience would unearth a deep-seated body memory, causing me to confront the weight of ancestral trauma carried in my body. “They burned us – they burned us all.” It was a realization that unlocked the hidden…
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Hey Moms! Celebrating You with Somatic Self-Love 

Hey moms! As we celebrate you and all that you do on Mother’s Day, I’m here to remind you to practice somatic self-love. It’s so important for women to take care of themselves, not just for their families or loved ones, but just for them. Nurturing your own well-being and cultivating a deep sense of self-love allows…
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Somatic Self-Love Ritual: Creating a Body That Feels Like Home for Those with C-PTSD

Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disease (C-PTSD) can make our bodies feel like unfamiliar, even hostile, territories. Amidst the waves of anxiety, memories, and disconnection, it’s essential to cultivate a sense of safety and sanctuary within our own skin. Somatic self-love, the practice of deepening our connection to our bodies through mindful movement and awareness, can be…
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Embracing Your Body’s Beauty and Strength: A Journey in Somatic Self-Love

Our society often perpetuates a narrow and unrealistic definition of beauty, leading many to feel disconnected from their bodies and struggle with self-acceptance. Somatic self-love is a powerful practice that can help transform our relationship with our bodies, allowing us to appreciate their beauty and strength. In this blog post, we will discuss how somatic…
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Recovery from C-PTSD with Somatic Self-Love: Empowerment, Safety, and Collective Healing

Introduction Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disease (C-PTSD) is a condition that results from prolonged exposure to trauma, often experienced during childhood or over an extended period. Recovering from C-PTSD is a challenging and deeply personal journey. One approach that has shown promise in aiding this process is the practice of somatic self-love. This blog post will…
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Self-Love Isn’t Selfish: How Somatic Self-Love Connects Us to Others and the Land

“Self-love isn’t selfish.” We’ve all heard this phrase, but what does it truly mean, and how does it impact our connections with others and the world around us? In this blog post, we’ll explore the concept of somatic self-love, how it connects us to other people and the land, and its relationship with our nervous system, as…
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