Category: Alchemy

Somatic self-love is an alchemical process of bringing our essence down and into our bodies.

Somatic Self-Love, Breathwork and Grief

In confronting loss or sudden change, we can experience an immense array of emotions – sadness, anger, remorse, and despair, to mention but a few. These feelings and sensations are potent and consuming, often leading to a state of overwhelm. In this post, learn more about grief, how it links all the facets of ourselves,…
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Grieving with Grace: Honoring Our Emotions to Love Ourselves Fully and Feel Love Alive in the Body

Grief is a profound and deeply personal journey that can invite us into a space of deep self-understanding and compassion. In this journey, we can learn how to grieve gracefully, respecting our feelings so that we can fully love ourselves and experience the life of love in our bodies. Grief can feel overwhelming, but it’s…
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Cultivating a Relationship with Your Own Heart

Venus Retrograde is a period when Venus appears to be moving backward in its orbit, as observed from Earth. Metaphorically, it represents a time of introspection and reevaluation relating to love, relationships, values, and aesthetics.  Even if you don’t ‘believe in astrology’ – we can use the stars as a map to navigate our journey. …
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Transmuting Trapped Energy (Trauma) With SomaticSelf-Love

As someone who has personally experienced childhood sexual abuse and the resulting CPTSD, I know firsthand how overwhelming and confusing the journey of trauma recovery can be… For years, I grappled with flashbacks and relentless reliving of trauma, exploring numerous modalities help – from talk therapy to EMDR.  It wasn’t until I discovered breathwork in 2011 that…
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Embracing the Somatic Narrative: A Journey to Self-Love

Understanding the Language of the Body The somatic narrative, or the story told by the body, is a powerful and often overlooked aspect of our lived experiences. Our bodies are constantly communicating with us, sending subtle signals that can reveal our emotions, traumas, and memories. By learning to interpret these signals, we can gain a…
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What is Somatic Self-Love?

Somatic self-love is the practice of cultivating love, acceptance, and compassion for ourselves through bodily awareness and sensory experiences. It involves connecting with our physical bodies, emotions, and sensations to develop a more profound understanding and appreciation of ourselves. Somatic self-love goes beyond intellectual or cognitive self-acceptance, focusing on the direct, felt experience of love…
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Breathwork as a Path to Liberation: Dissolving Somatic Spells and Reclaiming Well-Being

A “somatic spell” can be defined as an embodied pattern of trauma- and stress-related responses that become ingrained in an individual, family, or culture. These patterns emerge from repeated exposure to trauma, stress, or oppressive systems and can manifest in various physical, emotional, and cognitive symptoms. From a Systems Thinking perspective, somatic spells can be…
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Worthy and Beautiful Just As We Are

Somatic self-love plays a profound role in helping women embody the truth that their worth and beauty are inherent, independent of any external accomplishments or productivity. By cultivating somatic self-love, women can come to feel and integrate the statement “there is nothing that I need to accomplish to be worthy and to feel beautiful. I…
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Somatic Shadow and Shadow Work Ritual

A somatic shadow refers to the aspects of ourselves that we have repressed or disowned at a physical and embodied level. It represents the unresolved emotions, traumas, and experiences that are stored in our bodies, often outside our conscious awareness. Somatic shadow work involves engaging with and integrating these shadow aspects through somatic practices and…
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Sites of Shaping

The term “sites of shaping” refers to the various aspects of an individual’s experience that influence and shape their beliefs, behaviors, and identities. For women in the patriarchy, these sites of shaping encompass the societal, cultural, and historical forces that influence how women perceive and experience themselves within the confines of patriarchal systems. These sites…
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