Category: Alchemy

Somatic self-love is an alchemical process of bringing our essence down and into our bodies.

Revolutionizing Self-Love: Discover the Non-Hierarchical Path to Body Wisdom

Society has long celebrated rational thinking as the pinnacle of intellectual achievement, often at the expense of the deep, intuitive knowledge embedded in our physical and emotional experiences. This cultural bias is not merely a philosophical stance; it manifests in everyday behaviors and societal norms that prioritize constant activity and intellectual abilities over bodily wisdom.…
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Embracing Grief and Trauma Through Somatic Self-Love

“Every one of us must do this. We must learn how to work with the grief in our lives. Begin with a friend or two and speak honestly to the heartaches you carry. These may be very personal sorrows, or they may extend to the daily losses that we witness in the news. If you…
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Embracing Resistance as a Resource: A Somatic Self-Love Approach to Trauma Recovery

As we journey through the landscape of trauma recovery, we may encounter an unexpected companion along the way—resistance. This internal force, often perceived as an obstacle, can actually be a guidepost and a protective ally. In the process of somatic self-love, we learn to honor our resistance, not as a barrier, but as a valuable…
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Transforming Toxic Shame: Embrace Somatic Self-Love and Heal with Mother Earth

In the journey of self-discovery and trauma recovery, understanding the spectrum of shame is incredibly useful. Often perceived as a negative emotion, shame holds a dual nature. Healthy shame can serve as our moral compass, guiding us back to our true north of love. It’s a transient feeling that helps us align with personal and…
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Discovering Calm: The Journey to Somatic Self-Love After Trauma

In the aftermath of trauma, the concept of calm can feel like a foreign language—difficult to understand and even more challenging to speak. For those who have navigated the choppy waters of post-traumatic stress, calm is often a distant shore. Yet, establishing a somatic marker for calm isn’t just a luxury; it’s a necessity for…
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Reclaiming Self-Love: A Somatic Approach to Shedding Shame and Embracing Resilience

We often carry the weight of our experiences in the deepest fibers of our being, sometimes without even realizing it. This weight can be even heavier when it’s intertwined with the shame associated with childhood abuse. But what happens when we find the strength to set down that burden and declare that it never truly…
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Cultivating a Felt Sense of Relative Safety in Trauma Recovery

The felt sense of relative safety is a cornerstone in trauma recovery, acting as a prerequisite for the gentle and controlled release of trapped energies that are often the legacy of traumatic experiences. Understanding the Felt Sense of Safety The concept of a felt sense of relative safety is deeply intertwined with our bodies. When…
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The Ripple Effect of Embodied Self-Love in Ending Gender-Based Violence

When women feel self-love alive in their bodies – meaning they can taste, touch, hear, smell and feel love for themselves as a tangible force- they cannot tolerate violence or abuse.  This creates a ripple effect in their families. In their lineages. In their communities. It impacts the nervous systems around them… when children feel…
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The Power of Exchange: A Journey into Somatic Self-Love

Recently, during a breathwork session, I felt a concept land in my body… the idea of exchange. In his book, Healing, David Elliott defines exchange as “The flow of energy or consciousness given and received as energy, respect, value, appreciation, and love. It can also refer to goods, services, and money.” As I breathed in…
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Celebrating Rocktober with Somatic Self-Love: A Month of Growth and Empowerment

Happy Rocktober to all of you! October is not just about the fall leaves or the anticipation of Halloween; for us, it’s a month brimming with excitement, growth, and the promise of transformation. With our nonprofit now in full swing, we’re thrilled to unveil a series of initiatives that will further our mission and bring…
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