Category: Advocacy

Somatic self-love is an alchemical process of bringing our essence down and into our bodies.

Sites of Shaping

The term “sites of shaping” refers to the various aspects of an individual’s experience that influence and shape their beliefs, behaviors, and identities. For women in the patriarchy, these sites of shaping encompass the societal, cultural, and historical forces that influence how women perceive and experience themselves within the confines of patriarchal systems. These sites…
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Collective Social Feminine Body

The concept of the “collective social feminine body” refers to the shared experiences, perceptions, and somatic manifestations that arise from being a woman in a patriarchal society. It acknowledges that the experiences of women are not solely individual but are shaped by broader social, cultural, and historical forces. The collective social feminine body encompasses both…
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Social, Somatic, Transgenerational, Ancestral Trauma for Fem/mes in the Patrairchy

Social trauma, somatic trauma, and transgenerational trauma can have significant impacts on women living in a patriarchal society. Patriarchy, a system in which men hold the majority of power and women are often marginalized or oppressed, can contribute to various forms of trauma for women. Here’s how each type of trauma can affect women in…
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Somatic Psyche

The term “somatic psyche” refers to the integration of the body and the mind within an individual’s psychological experience. It combines two essential aspects: The concept of the somatic psyche recognizes that the mind and body are interconnected and influence one another. It suggests that our psychological well-being and experiences are not separate from our…
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Body Memory

Body memory refers to the phenomenon where the body retains or “remembers” past experiences or traumas at a physiological level, even if the individual cannot consciously recall those experiences. It suggests that our bodies have the capacity to store and encode memories beyond the realm of explicit or conscious memory. Unlike explicit memory, which involves…
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Somatic Self-Love and its Role in Empowering Women and Girls Against Gender-Based Violence

Gender-based violence (GBV) is a pervasive and devastating issue that affects millions of women and girls around the world. It takes many forms – including sexual, physical, and emotional abuse – and has far-reaching consequences for individuals, families, and communities. As we collectively strive to end GBV within the next two generations, it’s crucial to explore effective…
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