Category: Advocacy

Somatic self-love is an alchemical process of bringing our essence down and into our bodies.

Reclaiming Self-Love: A Somatic Approach to Shedding Shame and Embracing Resilience

We often carry the weight of our experiences in the deepest fibers of our being, sometimes without even realizing it. This weight can be even heavier when it’s intertwined with the shame associated with childhood abuse. But what happens when we find the strength to set down that burden and declare that it never truly…
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Building a New World Together Through Embodied Love

As I celebrate the birthing of the School of Somatic Self-Love, I feel so connected to the Ripple Effect of this work… I know deeep in my bones that as we practice Somatic Self Love, we build the structures that will support a new earth within our own beautiful bodies. This deeply personal process of…
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The Ripple Effect of Embodied Self-Love in Ending Gender-Based Violence

When women feel self-love alive in their bodies – meaning they can taste, touch, hear, smell and feel love for themselves as a tangible force- they cannot tolerate violence or abuse.  This creates a ripple effect in their families. In their lineages. In their communities. It impacts the nervous systems around them… when children feel…
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Celebrating Rocktober with Somatic Self-Love: A Month of Growth and Empowerment

Happy Rocktober to all of you! October is not just about the fall leaves or the anticipation of Halloween; for us, it’s a month brimming with excitement, growth, and the promise of transformation. With our nonprofit now in full swing, we’re thrilled to unveil a series of initiatives that will further our mission and bring…
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Breaking the Shadow Contract of Capitalism: Women, Labor, and the Power of Somatic Self-Love

Underneath the veneer of prosperity and progress, there are shadow sides of capitalism: a system that has, over time, objectified human worth. Especially around the freedom and empowerment of women. As we enter into the portal of another Labor Day weekend, it’s time to reflect on this narrative and the collective spells of equating self-worth…
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The Radical Power of Somatic Self-Love: Embracing Bodily Pleasure as a Woman

We live in a world that often imposes stringent beauty standards and societal norms and when we as women take delight in our own bodies, it can be a radical act of autonomy. It is an act of self-love that goes beyond mere acceptance of the status quo, venturing into the realm of somatic sovereignty.…
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Somatic Self-Love Under the Aquarius Full Moon

The celestial dance deeply influences our lives, subtly weaving its rhythm into our moods, behaviors, and spiritual growth. The cosmos is not just a spectacle to admire from afar but a living, breathing entity that we are an integral part of.  Astrological events, from the ebbs and flows of the moon to the grand ballet…
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Transmuting Trapped Energy (Trauma) With SomaticSelf-Love

As someone who has personally experienced childhood sexual abuse and the resulting CPTSD, I know firsthand how overwhelming and confusing the journey of trauma recovery can be… For years, I grappled with flashbacks and relentless reliving of trauma, exploring numerous modalities help – from talk therapy to EMDR.  It wasn’t until I discovered breathwork in 2011 that…
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Worthy and Beautiful Just As We Are

Somatic self-love plays a profound role in helping women embody the truth that their worth and beauty are inherent, independent of any external accomplishments or productivity. By cultivating somatic self-love, women can come to feel and integrate the statement “there is nothing that I need to accomplish to be worthy and to feel beautiful. I…
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Patriarchal Structures

Patriarchal structures refer to systems of social organization and cultural practices that privilege men and reinforce male dominance over women and other genders. These structures have been prevalent in many societies throughout history and continue to shape social, political, and economic dynamics today. Patriarchal structures manifest in various ways, including: Gender roles and stereotypes: Patriarchal…
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