What is SAE?

Somatic self-love is an alchemical process of bringing our essence down and into our bodies.

What is SAE?

SAE stands for Sexual Abuse Energy,

Sexual abuse energy is a deeply impactful and pervasive phenomenon that extends beyond acts of physical abuse to include non-physical interactions that can be equally damaging. Its insidious nature makes it difficult to identify and confront, yet understanding its existence is a critical part of the journey towards eradication.

“Through the transformative power of somatic self-love, we can cultivate a deep sense of love within ourselves, and ripple this love out into the world. This is our personal contribution to the collective mission of eradicating sexual abuse energy. Remember, every act of self-love is a step toward healing, not just for ourselves, but for our global family.”

– Daniella Matutes, creator of Somatic Self-Love

Defining Sexual Abuse Energy

Coined by David Elliott in his book “Healing,” sexual abuse energy can infiltrate an individual’s being in subtle, non-physical ways, such as a glance, a gesture, or even a smile. It can manifest as excitement, arousal, or sensuality within the targeted individual, disrupting their energy, thoughts, and actions.

Predators, those who transmit this energy, often operate under the guise of ‘love,’ making it challenging to recognize and confront these energies. Despite the ability of sexual abuse energy to hide or lie dormant within an individual, the responsibility for its transmission always lies with the predator.

Somatic Self-Love: A Path to Healing

Somatic self-love offers a powerful antidote to sexual abuse energy. This practice involves deeply and physically feeling love for oneself. When this love is embodied, it reshapes our boundaries, our tolerance for what we accept, and how we treat ourselves.

Women rooted in self-love won’t accept abuse for themselves or their children. Similarly, men will come to understand that true strength is found in the power of love, not the love of power.

The Ripple Effect of Somatic Self-Love

The transformative potential of somatic self-love extends far beyond the individual level. As more individuals within a community begin to embody self-love, a collective shift occurs. These communities become places where abuse and violence are not tolerated, where each member feels valued and respected.

Imagine the power of this ripple effect spreading not just within communities, but across countries, continents, and the entire globe. This could drive a shift in societal norms and values, making abuse and violence unacceptable on a worldwide scale.

Eradicating Sexual Abuse Energy in Two Generations

The eradication of sexual abuse energy is an ambitious goal, but it is one we believe is achievable within two generations through the widespread practice of somatic self-love.

By changing the frequency of our own energy and the energy of the world around us, we create a world where every individual recognizes their inherent worth and refuses to accept anything less. And it all begins with each of us, loving ourselves, deeply and truly, right here in our bodies.

As we each step into the journey of somatic self-love, we contribute to the ripple effect that can change the world. We can start this journey now, with the understanding that our actions today will echo into the lives of future generations, creating a safer, more compassionate world free from the harmful effects of sexual abuse energy.

Somatic Self-Love Ritual for Eradicating Sexual Abuse Energy

Materials Needed:

  • A quiet, comfortable space
  • Optional: a piece of rose quartz or another crystal associated with love and healing
  • Optional: relaxing, ambient music


  1. Set Your Intention: Begin by setting your intention. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and internally state your intention. Something like, “My intention is to cultivate deep, somatic self-love and to ripple this love out into the world.”
  2. Ground Yourself: Sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Feel the connection between your body and the earth. Visualize roots growing from your body into the earth, anchoring you firmly to the ground.
  3. Body Awareness: Slowly bring your attention to your body. Start from your toes, gradually moving up through your legs, torso, arms, and finally, your head. Notice any sensations, feelings, or tensions in your body.
  4. Breathe in Love: Begin to take slow, deep breaths. As you breathe in, imagine a warm, glowing light of love and acceptance entering your body. Allow this light to fill every cell, every part of your body, from your toes up to the crown of your head.
  5. Breathe out Negativity: As you breathe out, visualize any self-doubt, negativity, or remnants of abuse energy being expelled from your body with your breath.
  6. Visualize the Ripple Effect: Once you feel filled with love, visualize this energy radiating out from you like ripples in a pond. Imagine this love reaching your family, your community, and then extending out to the entire globe.
  7. Set a Global Intention: As you visualize your love reaching the world. You might visualize the world being bathed in the warm, glowing light of love and acceptance.
  8. Return to your Body: After a few moments of holding this global intention, gently bring your awareness back to your body. Feel the love and warmth within you, and remember that this love is always there for you to tap into.
  9. Closing the Ritual: To close the ritual, take a few deep breaths, thank yourself for taking this time for self-love and healing, and when you feel ready, gently open your eyes.

Remember that this ritual can be performed as often as you like. The intention to cultivate self-love and contribute to the eradication of sexual abuse energy is a powerful one, and every time you perform this ritual, you are contributing to this global healing process.