Unlock the Healing Benefits of Breathwork for Trauma Recovery: Start Your Journey Today

Somatic self-love is an alchemical process of bringing our essence down and into our bodies.

Unlock the Healing Benefits of Breathwork for Trauma Recovery: Start Your Journey Today

Trauma can profoundly impact a person’s mental and physical well-being. Whether it’s a single traumatic event or prolonged exposure to unresolved stress, trauma creates symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and even physical pain. 

There are many definitions for trauma – in this article, we will explore the frame of trauma as trapped or unresolved energy from the past stored in our bodies.

While there are many different approaches to trauma recovery, breathwork is a powerful bottom-up, body-based approach that creates awareness and agency in our bodies.

We will explore what trauma is, what breathwork is, and the benefits of using breathwork as a tool for trauma recovery. We will delve into the science behind breathwork and share the personal experiences of those who have used breathwork to heal from trauma. We’ll finish with tips for combining breathwork with other modalities for trauma recovery.

Understanding Trauma and its Effects

Trauma can come in many forms, from car accidents to childhood abuse. The effects of trauma can be both physical and emotional, often leading to symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disease (PTSD). In some cases, trauma can lead to complex post-traumatic stress disease (CPTSD), a more severe and long-lasting form of PTSD.

CPTSD can be incredibly challenging to treat, as it often involves repeated exposure to trauma over a prolonged period. However, breathwork is an effective tool for healing from trauma, regardless of its severity.

What is Breathwork?

Breathwork is a broad term encompassing various techniques designed to improve the flow of oxygen in the body. 

These techniques can include deep breathing exercises, guided meditation, and even specific breathing patterns to achieve a desired state of mind.

In the breathwork that I teach, we also use movement and sound as a way to release the trapped energy of trauma during breathing.

Breathwork is often used for stress reduction, lowering blood pressure, reducing anxiety, and improving overall mood. It is also a powerful tool for trauma recovery because we can access and release emotions that we have suppressed because of trauma.

Benefits of Breathwork for Trauma Recovery

Breathwork is an effective tool for trauma recovery for a variety of reasons. 

First, it helps to regulate the nervous system, which can become dysregulated due to trauma. Breathwork helps us feel more grounded and centered by promoting relaxation and reducing stress.

Second, breathwork practice gets the emotional energy moving in our bodies. To protect us, our nervous systems sometimes “freeze” emotions in our bodies during traumatic events. As we breathe, this trapped energy is accessed and discharged.

Many of us who have experienced trauma have learned to suppress our emotions to cope. However, this can lead to emotional numbness and disconnection from the self. Breathwork can help us access and release these suppressed emotions in a safe and supportive environment.

Third, breathwork can be a way of connecting with the body. Trauma can cause us to feel disconnected from our bodies, leading to physical symptoms such as chronic pain. By promoting awareness of our body and its sensations, breathwork can help us to reconnect with their physical selves and promote healing.

Getting Started with Breathwork for Trauma Recovery

If you’re interested in using breathwork as a tool for trauma recovery, there are a few things to remember. 

Finding a trained practitioner who can guide you through the process is vital. Breathwork is a powerful tool, so working with someone who has experience and expertise is fundamental.

Also, it’s crucial to approach breathwork with an open mind and a willingness to explore emotions. Breathwork can be a powerful tool for accessing and releasing suppressed feelings, and it can also be challenging and sometimes uncomfortable.

The Science Behind Breathwork and Trauma Healing

The benefits of breathwork for trauma recovery are well-documented, but we are still exploring the exact science behind why it works. Here are some ideas on why breathwork is so effective.

Breathwork regulates the autonomic nervous system, which can become chronically dysregulated due to trauma. We might experience symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and physical pain. By promoting relaxation and reducing stress, breathwork can help to regulate the nervous system and promote healing.

During breathwork we experience an increase in the release of endorphins, natural painkillers produced by the body. Endorphins reduce physical pain and promote feelings of well-being and relaxation.

And, as mentioned above, breathwork helps us access and move suppressed emotions and stuck energy. By promoting awareness of the body and its sensations, breathwork connects us with lies beneath the surface in a gentle way that we can process.

Personal Experiences with Breathwork for Trauma Recovery

Many of the folks I have had the honor of holding space for during breathwork are surprised and delighted with the results. They talk about feeling more grounded and centered after a breathwork session, while others report feeling more connected to their emotions.

For me, breathwork is a primary trauma processing tool. Some of the benefits in my own body include a reduction in physical pain, an overall improvement in mood, more focus, clarity, and connection with myself and others. 

A really impactful result has been my ability to stay in my body and respond with love and compassion. I feel safe enough most of the time to be present with whatever is happening around me. I no longer disassociate or automatically go into a trauma reaction. I feel self-love alive in my body. I have agency and choice.

However, it’s important to remember that everyone’s experience with breathwork will be different, and it’s essential to approach the process with an open mind and a willingness to explore your own journey.

Combining Breathwork with Other Modalities for Trauma Recovery

While breathwork can be a powerful tool for trauma recovery, it’s often most effective when combined with other self-care modalities. This helps to promote healing from trauma on multiple levels, including physical, emotional, and spiritual.

Additonal self-care practices such as exercise, healthy eating, and time in nature can also be powerful tools for promoting healing and well-being.

Your Journey to Healing with Breathwork

Breathwork can be a powerful tool for healing from trauma, promoting relaxation, and reducing stress. 

Whether you’re dealing with a traumatic event or prolonged exposure to stress, breathwork can help you feel more grounded, centered, and connected to your emotions.

If you’re interested in trying breathwork as a tool for trauma recovery, it’s essential to approach the process with an open mind and a willingness to explore your emotions. 

Find a trained practitioner who can guide you through the process and approach breathwork as one tool in a more extensive toolbox for trauma recovery.

Remember, healing from trauma is a journey; there is no one-size-fits-all approach. However, with the right tools and support, it is possible to overcome the effects of trauma and live a happy, self-expressed life. 

Check-out our Events section for upcoming breathwork sessions.