The Miracle of Nature: Why Being Outdoors Can Help You Feel More Relaxed and Centered

Somatic self-love is an alchemical process of bringing our essence down and into our bodies.

The Miracle of Nature: Why Being Outdoors Can Help You Feel More Relaxed and Centered

Nature’s healing power is often overlooked in our busy, technology-filled lives. The natural world offers a calming and centering influence to help us feel more relaxed and at peace. 

And regardless of age or culture, humans find nature pleasing. In one study cited in the book Healing Gardens, researchers found that more than two-thirds of people choose a natural setting to retreat to when stressed.

From the soothing sound of a babbling brook to the rustling of leaves in the wind, nature has a way of easing our minds and bodies. Let’s explore the many ways in which nature can help us heal and find inner peace.

How Nature Soothes and Heals

There is something about being in nature that can help us feel more relaxed and calm. It may be the fresh air or the peaceful surroundings, but whatever it is, it works wonders for our mental and emotional well-being. 

Research done in hospitals, offices, and schools has found that even a simple plant in a room can have a significant impact on stress and anxiety.

Studies have shown that spending time in nature can lower cortisol levels, reduce anxiety and depression, and even improve our immune system.

Nature has a way of slowing us down and helping us find a sense of peace and stillness. Whether it’s the sound of the waves crashing on the shore or the beauty of a sunset, being in nature can be a powerful reminder of the beauty and wonder of the world around us. 

We feel more connected to something greater than ourselves, which is a powerful source of comfort and healing.

The Science Behind Nature Restoration

As championed by science, nature’s healing power is not just a myth or a feeling. Studies have shown that spending time in nature can lower blood pressure, reduce stress, and improve mood. When we are in harmony with the natural rhythm of the environment, we regulate our internal rhythms with nature.

Nature restoration is a term used to describe reconnecting with nature for healing and rejuvenation. It involves intentionally immersing oneself in the natural world, whether it’s through hiking, camping, or simply spending time outside. The goal of nature restoration is to help individuals find a sense of peace and well-being, as well as a deeper connection to the natural world.

Connecting with Nature for Inner Healing

The healing power of nature can be especially beneficial for those who have experienced trauma. Nature can provide a safe and nurturing environment for our bodies so we feel more grounded and connected to ourselves.

One way to connect with nature for inner healing is through breathwork and movement. These practices help us become more aware of our thoughts and feelings and can help us cultivate a sense of inner peace and calm. When combined with the healing power of nature, these rituals can be even more effective at helping us find inner healing and balance.

Healing Trauma Through Nature

Nature can be a powerful tool for healing trauma. It provides a safe and nurturing environment for individuals to process their emotions and experiences. Studies have shown that spending time in nature can help connect to the stuck energy in our bodies and help us begin to gently move towards what we want… acceptance, belonging and love.

Ecotherapy is a form of an embodiment involving the natural world as a healing tool. Ecotherapy can include gardening, hiking, or simply spending time outside. The goal is to help us find a sense of peace and well-being and a deeper connection to the natural world.

How Nature Facilitates Inner Connection

Nature has a way of helping us connect with our inner selves. When we spend time in nature, the beauty and wonder of the world around us helps us remember that we belong here. We feel interconnected to something greater than ourselves, which can be a powerful source of comfort and healing.

Spending time in nature or viewing nature scenes can enhance our ability to concentrate. Humans are naturally fascinated by nature, which helps us to focus on our surroundings. This also offers a break for our hyperactive minds, rejuvenating us for fresh tasks. Additionally, Andrea Taylor’s research on children with ADHD suggests that exposure to nature can increase their attention span in the long run.

Nature can also help us connect with our bodies. When we spend time outside, we are more likely to engage in physical activity, which can help us feel more grounded and connected to our bodies. This can be especially beneficial for those who struggle with disordered eating or body image issues.

Developing Self-Love, Self-Worth, and Self-Esteem Through Nature

Developing self-love, self-worth, and self-esteem is an essential part of personal growth and well-being. One Nature can help us connect with ourselves, reduce stress, and boost our mood. Studies show that people who spend time in nature have higher levels of self-esteem and self-worth.

Spending time in nature reminds us of our own intrinsic value as part of the natural world. We remember that we are a part of something greater than ourselves and have a unique role to play in the world.

Nature provides a safe space to reflect and connect with ourselves. It offers a break from the chaos of everyday life and provides an opportunity to slow down and tune into our thoughts and feelings. When we spend time in nature, we also experience a sense of awe and wonder, which can help us feel more positive and optimistic about our lives. This positivity can help us build self-love and self-worth.

The Somatic Benefits of Nature Bathing and Embodiment

Nature bathing, also known as forest bathing, is a practice that involves immersing oneself in the natural world for relaxation and rejuvenation. It has been shown to have a variety of somatic benefits, including lower blood pressure, reduced stress, and improved immune function.

Embodiment is another practice that can be enhanced by spending time in nature. Embodiment involves becoming more aware of our physical bodies and the sensations we experience. When we spend time in nature, we are more likely to engage in physical activity and become more aware of our bodies. This can help us feel more grounded and connected to our physical selves.

Practical Tips for Incorporating Nature into Your Self-Care Routine

If you’re looking to incorporate nature into your self-care routine, there are various ways to do so. Here are a few tips to get you started:

  • Take a walk outside: Even a short walk outside can help you feel more relaxed and centered.
  • Practice mindfulness in nature: Try meditating or practicing yoga outside to enhance the calming effects of nature.
  • Spend time gardening: Gardening is a great way to connect with nature and get your hands dirty.
  • Plan a camping trip: Camping is a great way to get away from the hustle and bustle of daily life and immerse yourself in nature.

Nature’s mighty healing power is often overlooked in our busy, technology-filled lives. Whether you’re looking to reduce stress, heal from trauma, or simply find a sense of inner peace, spending time in nature can help. By connecting with the natural world, we can find a sense of calm and stillness that is hard to find in our fast-paced world. So next time you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed, take a step outside and let the healing power of nature work its magic.

So… Take a break from your daily routine and spend some time in nature today. Whether it’s a short walk outside or a weekend camping trip, make time to connect with the natural world and find inner peace and healing.